Everyone has a mind.
But not everyone thinks about it.
Let’s read and explore together
Your mind, which precisely gives you so much power.
To delve into the knowledge that inspires you.
To connect with what touches you.
Ultimately, to live enjoying life.
And we believe it can generate so much more when we don’t hide it inside our heads.
When talking about its state becomes common in conversations with friends, with family, at schools.
After all, having a mind issue is as natural as having a mind.
Believe it: society as a whole is transformed when each of us knows how to look inside and listen, understand, and take care of our minds.
The earlier, the better.
Knowledge and empathy come into play to make this culture a new reality.
And we’re here to make this happen.
It all starts when you get an idea in your head.

About Us
The “Ame Sua Mente” Institute was created to explore possible ways to promote mental health at the school environment while contributing scientific and technical knowledge to educate Brazilian society and raise awareness about this issue.
The Institute is a Civil Society Organization that develops scientific research-based projects focused on promoting mental health, reducing stigma, and preventing and managing disorders, with educators as key social actors of our interventions.
learn more
The Institute was founded in 2018, after more than 10 years of scientific research conducted by the “Cuca Legal” project. This initiative, which began in mid-2008 at public schools, was the brainchild of psychiatrist Rodrigo A. Bressan – the Institute’s President – in partnership with the São Paulo State School of Medicine (EPM/UNIFESP).
The results gathered formed the basis for shaping the social actions that guide the Institute’s agenda.
Efforts to raise public awareness of neurodiversity and the complexity of mental health, coupled with the training of educators on the subject, help strengthen our mission.
Our mission
Our values
Our work

We have been recognized by different social actors as a leading practice in promoting mental health in the field of Education, both nationally and internationally. Click on the buttons below and access the content:
It’s important to highlight that the Institute’s work is directly aligned with the 2030 Agenda and contributes to four of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – social and environmental indicators created by the United Nations (UN) in 2015.
The SDGs are crucial benchmarks for globally planning the necessary actions for inclusive education in our society and sustainable development of our planet.


Board of Directors


Advisory Board
José Guilherme Carneiro Queiroz
Marina Fava Auriemo Al Makul
Nicolas de Camaret
Pedro Mário Pan Neto
Ricardo Cavalieri Guimarães
Thais Junqueira Franco Xavier
Tiago Pereira Barretto Guimarães
Advisory Technology
Aminadab Nunes
Laura Kroeff
Marco Bebiano
Maria Isabel Faria
Renata Feltrin
Renato Bereznjak Cunha
Audit Committee
Cibele Demetrio Zdradek
Fábio Santiago da Silva
Fernando Foz de Macedo
Ricardo Eid Philipp
André Del Castilho Gola
Carolina de Meneses Gaya
Cristiana Pipponzi
Gustavo Mechereffe Estanislau
Leticia Lyle
Marco Kheirallah
Marina Auriemo
Pedro Mario Pan Neto
Stamps and Certifications


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